2018 Draws & Ice Grids
Draws: < click to download pdfs >
**The Ice Grids were for internal tournament prep use, so they have been taken offline.
- Games have been added to the < Master Schedule >.
- Games / scores will be updated as the tournament progresses.
- Use the Divisions/Team dropdowns to veiw schedules.
- Game Box:
- Includes game number, day, start time and arena code.
- For arena codes (BK for example) - see < Venues > .
- Away team is on the top (dark jersey), Home team (white/light jersey) is on the bottom.
- Use the mobile functions to folllow your team!
< IP Fun Days >
< Novice A > - draw was modified to a 5 team round robin - teams will be notified
< Novice B >
< Novice C >
< Atom A >
< Atom B >
< Atom C >
< Peewee A >
< Peewee B >
< Peewee C >
< Bantam A >
< Bantam B >
< Midget A >
< Midget B >
< Novice A > - draw was modified to a 5 team round robin - teams will be notified
< Novice B >
< Novice C >
< Atom A >
< Atom B >
< Atom C >
< Peewee A >
< Peewee B >
< Peewee C >
< Bantam A >
< Bantam B >
< Midget A >
< Midget B >
**The Ice Grids were for internal tournament prep use, so they have been taken offline.
< Friday April 6 >
< Saturday April 7 >
< Sunday April 8 >
< Saturday April 7 >
< Sunday April 8 >
OYET 2025 - Registration is Open!
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