Tournament Rules
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OYET 2025 Rules
1.1. The purpose of this event is to provide at least one opportunity for all teams in the Bytown Minor Hockey Association (BMHL) of the District B ( of Hockey Eastern Ontario (HEO) to participate in a local tournament. The associations of the BMHL are encouraged to enter all of their teams in the tournament. The focus of this event shall be fun and fair play. 100% of tournament proceeds are allocated to the CHEO Foundation for Youth Mental Health. The manner in which players are utilized during the course of the game is the prerogative of the coaches; however, in order to promote fair play, ALL players dressed, excluding the alternate goaltender, shall be allowed to play approximately equal ice time. Double and triple shifting with a full bench is not in the spirt of fair play. Failure to comply with this rule may result in forfeiture of the game.Teams from outside District B are invited to join, both to share in the experience and to provide for variety of opponents.
1.2. Teams and players thereof must be bona fide House League class and have played together as a team in their respective league and division during the current season. Branches, Districts, Leagues and Associations are not permitted to enter Composite, Travel, Rep, Competitive or All Star teams.
1.3. This tournament is a fully "tiered" event. This means that since the teams in the host district, District B, are divided into A, B and C, we look for teams from leagues that are similarly constructed. Therefore if a team plays in an area that only has B & C hockey, or some other combination that is less than 3 levels, we may ask those teams to play up, B moves to A and C moves to B. We make exceptions from time to time based on team quality, number of teams in a league and standings. We realize that while there is no perfect method to ensure equity in the level of competition between fully tiered and partially or non-tiered leagues, we are doing the best that we can to provide a fun, fair and equitable event.
1.4. Each team shall carry a copy of their official Hockey Canada (or equivalent) roster to each game, as well as any documentation for over or under age players, out of Branch travel permits. etc.
1.5. Each team MAY be requested to provide an adult to perform Timekeeping or Scorekeeping duties as well as additional volunteers to open the penalty box door. Failure to provide volunteers when requested will result in a game forfeit.
1.6. Air horns are not permitted at any venues during this tournament. If a spectactor uses one, they will be asked to put it away or leave the game. Failure of the spectator top comply will jeopardize the result of the game in progress.
2.1. Affiliated players are permitted.
2.1.1 Affiliated players must be listed on the official team roster, or previously identified to the Tournament Committee.
2.1.2 A maximum of 4 (four) affiliated players per game are allowed.
2.1.3 If an affiliated player's primary team is also entered in this tournament, then they can only be affiliated after their primary team is eliminated.
2.1.4 Teams must abide their District or Branch regulations for the maximum times a player can be affiliated throughout the current season.
2.1.5 Teams must report use of affiliated players to their District or Branch (TTM for District B and most HEO Associations).
2.1.6 With prior approval of the Tournament Vommittee, teams may use an 'Emergency Replacement Goalie' if their team's rostered goalie is not available, or if their league shares goalies within a division. It is not intended that a team would use its normal goalie as a skater while also calling up an affiliated player, such action would not be considered to be within the spirit of “fun and fair play”.
2.2. U21 teams are permitted to include a maximum of 4 ‘over-age’ players, i.e. players in their fourth year of eligibility. These players must be on the official team roster, and receive prior permission from the Tournament Committee.
2.3. Any team which knowingly uses an ineligible player may be disqualified from further participation in this tournament.
2.4. Only those team officials listed on the gamesheet will be permitted on the bench.
3.1. Hockey Canada and HEO playing rules as well as the HEO Code of Discipline will be followed except where otherwise indicated in the playing rules. At the referee's descretion, 'Failure to Hold the Bench' at the conclusion of play may result in the Head Coach receiving a Game Misconduct.
3.2. Discipline / Suspendable Incidents:
Referees are required to prepare written and online reports in TTM for major penalties, games misconduct, gross misconduct, match penalties and misconducts.
3.2.1 The Head Coach is responsible for reporting all game ejections and suspended incidents to the Tournament Committee (in TTM were applicable).
3.2.2 Tournament games are 'meaningful'. The Head Coach will be subject to discipline if an ineligible player or staff member is listed on the gamesheet.
3.2.3. A player or team official who receives a Gross Misconduct or Match penalty will be ejected from the tournament.
3.2.4. A player who receives a Major Penalty for fighting shall be ejected from the tournament. An alternate player shall serve his penalty. Should a second Major Penalty for fighting be incurred by the same team at any time during the tournament THE TEAM (ALL MEMBERS) MAY BE IMMEDIATELY DISQUALIFIED FROM FURTHER PARTICIPATION IN THE TOURNAMENT, subject to review of the Tournament Committee. The game in which the second fight occurs will be defaulted to the team's opposition regardless of the score at the time the fight occurred. (The score will be recorded as either a 1-0 win or the actual score.) Should the second fight occur during the same game, the game shall be stopped and both teams vacate the ice to their respective rooms. The referee shall provide his written report to the Tournament Committee who will advise the teams of the outcome of the game.
3.3. Game Length: Fifty (50) minutes are allocated for each game:
Warm Up: Three (3) minutes run time
1st Period: Ten (10) minutes stop time
2nd Period: Ten (10) minutes stop time
3rd Period: Ten (10) minutes stop time. If the goal differential is more than 4, then the last 2 minutes will be run time. During run time, no stoppage in time will be permitted except for injuries and/or at the sole discretion of the referee.
3.4. Overtime (except for Round Robins in U11A, U13A, U15C and U18A in 2023):
3.5 Shoot-out Rules (except for Round Robins in U11A, U13A, U15C and U18A in 2023):
Shoot-outs are best of 3 format.
If still tied after 3 shooters, then continue with 1 player from each team until one team is ahead after both players have taken their shot.
Coaches can use players in the shoot-out in any order they wish, but once an order is used, it must be maintained if a complete second round is necessary.
Teams must use all skaters once before a player is eligible to shoot a second time.
A player serving a penalty at the beginning of the shoot-out is NOT eligible to participate in the shootout. This does not apply to a player serving another player’s penalty or serving a bench minor.
3.6 All games must have a winning result (except for Round Robins in U11A, U13A, U15C and U18A in 2023).
3.7 Games must begin promptly at three minutes after the scheduled time. If the game official and both teams agree, and circumstances permit, games may be commenced before the scheduled time.
3.8. Penalties shall be of the following duration (during both stopped and running time):
Minor - Two (2) minutes
Game Misconduct / Major / Match / Gross Misconduct - Five (5) minutes
Misconduct - Ten (10) minutes
3.9. A player receiving a 3rd minor penalty in the same game shall be ejected from that game. A double minor counts as 2 minor penalties. Serving a bench minor or penalty for another player shall not count towards the three penalty total.
3.10 Robin Robin Standing Tiebreakers:
1. Points (2 for a win, 1 for a tie, 0 for a loss, no OT/SO)
2. Head to Head
3. Wins
4. (GF-GA) / GF
5. Fewest PIMs
6. Coin Flip
3.11. NO BODY CHECKING is permitted in ANY division
3.12. If a goaltender is not ready for the beginning of a game, no delay will be permitted. The game shall begin and a player substitute used. This player will not be permitted the privileges of a goaltender. (Hockey Canada rules should be read carefully with respect to the privileges of a player replacing the goaltender.)
3.13. If during the game, a goaltender is injured, he may go to his respective bench and be substituted. If no substitute is available, a maximum of ten (10) minutes will be allotted for assessment and dressing a replacement goaltender. If the replacement goaltender is not ready at the conclusion of ten (10) minutes, play will resume with a player substitute as per 3.12.
3.14. There are NO team time outs.
3.15. It is the responsibility of the home team to change sweater colour. In the event the home team has only one set of sweaters and the visiting team has two sets of sweaters, then the visiting team shall switch colours.
3.16. Ice surface flooding will be at the discretion of Arena Staff and/or the Tournament Committee.
3.17. A referee's judgment call may not be appealed. Appeals concerning rule interpretations, suspensions, or tournament eligibility must be lodged in writing to the Tournament Committee within two hours of the completion of the game that is being appealed. An appeal fee of $150.00 will be required with all submissions. Please contact the Tournament Chairman for all appeals.
The TOURNAMENT COMMITTEE and its representatives reserve the right to amend these rules at any time and shall be the FINAL AUTHORITY FOR ANY MATTER IN DISPUTE.